Submitted on 9 October 2018


Sl.No Name of Organisation Address Phone Contact Person
1 Aspinwall & Co.Ltd.

PB No.560, Willingdon Island


0484 2666267

Shri. Jairaj

2 Poovath Paree & Sons D.B.Khona Building, Subramanian Road, W/Island, Cochin-682003.




M/s. Kin-Ship (I) P Ltd

Kinship House,  Plot No.1&6

Cat IV, Door No,-CC24/492,

Marar Road

0484 2666326

Shri. B. Prabhakar Kini;
Last updated: 12/01/2022, -14:09


Sno Description Telephone
1 ICTT Vallarpadam + 91 484 4156100
2 Port Fire Control + 91 484 2666555
3 Port Hospital + 91 484 2666403
4 Port Safety Officer + 91 484 2666871-2302
5 Dy.Conservator + 91 484 2666417
6 Harbour Master + 91 484 2666410
7 Dredging Superintendent + 91 484 2666018
8 Traffic Manager + 91 484 2666418
9 Chief Mechanical Engineer + 91 484 2666639
10 Secretary + 91 484 2666412
11 Chief Engineer + 91 484 2666414
12 Public Relations Officer + 91 484 2667722
13 Port Control Room + 91 484 2667105
14 Port EPABX + 91 484 2666871
15 Ernakulam Wharf Control Room + 91 484 2666207
16 Mattancherry Wharf Control Room + 91 484 2666162
17 Cochin Oil Terminal + 91 484 2291621
18 Electrical Main Office + 91 484 2667425
19 Cochin Fisheries Harbour + 91 484 2220707
20 Port Guest House + 91 484 2666584


Sno Description Telephone
1 Port Health Organization +91 484 2666060
2 Plant Quarantine Facility +91 484 2669486
3 Inspectorate of Dock Safety +91 484 2666532
4 Mercantile Marine Department +91 484 2666104
5 Port Registration Office (Immigration) +91 484 2666027
Last updated: 25/09/2018, -15:21


Cochin Port has introduced online Access Control System wherein Port Users can submit their request via online for Wharf Entry Passes and Vehicle Passes.

 Please visit the url  or visit our website  and click on to 'Customer Login' icon.

Port Account holders can login directly using their user credentials whereas Non Port Account holders can login by clicking on the link ‘WharfEntryPass’ and providing their mobile number & OTP.

User manuals of Wharf Entry Pass and QR code based Vehicle Pass and Procedure to be followed by the members of Kerala Headload Workers Welfare Board(KHWWB) are attached.

User Manual- Access Control

User Manual-QR Code based Vehicle Pass

Proedure - Online pass for KHWWB

For any query or assistance required in this connection, the Members of the Trade may contact  Sri.P.Biswajith Menon, Dy.Wharf Superintendent (04842582808 / 9847732830, or Sri.N.T.Anilkumar, Wharf Superintendent (0484 2582234 /2582155, 9495736460, or TM's office (0484-2582213 )

General Instructions

  1. Online Applications shall be submitted by the port user with supporting documents for verification. On recommendation by the authorized representative of the Traffic Manager, the pass will be issued by the Pass Section after due verification and ensuring recovery of applicable charges. As regard to the contracts under Marine, Civil Engg and Mechanical Engg. depts, the recommendation will be done by the authorized representative of the concerned department.
  2. The Passes are non- transferable.
  3. Mere possession of passes does not confer upon the holder(s), any right to enter the wharves/Port area, as the passes shall be used for entry to the wharves only for genuine business transactions substantiated by documentary evidence and to be verified by CISF personnel at the gate.
  4. Depending upon the circumstances as well as the conduct of the holder/ organization, the Port may restrict/ regulate the use of any Pass.
  5. All the passes are the property of the Port and the Port reserves the right to rescind/ terminate/ seize the pass at any time without further notice.
  6. Passes for family members of Indian crew of ships shall be issued on submission of applications by the vessel agent with details of family members, endorsed by the Master/Ship Security Officer (SSO) of the Vessel and on production of valid shore leave pass of the crew.
  7. The applicants for visiting pass shall apply to the Secretary, CoPT in the letter head of their institution signed by the authorized signatory. On approval, submit online application for daily pass attaching with copy of the approval and other relevant documents.
Last updated: 13/01/2022, -16:16