E-Tender for Running Canteen at Marine Building along with Cafeteria at Administration Building of Cochin Port Authority
निविदा आमंत्रण अधिकारी
Secretary, Cochin Port Authority
निविदा संख्या
E-TENDER No.SWO/Tender/Canteen & Cafeteria/2023-S Date: 09-03-2023
निविदा विवरण
E-Tender for running Canteen at Marine Building along with Cafeteria at Administration Building of CoPA, for one year
प्रस्तावना श्रेणी
निविदा मूल्य
Rs.50,000/- (Premium)
बयाना राशि(ईएमडी)
करों सहित निविदा दस्तावेज की लागत
निविदा के प्रकार
Service Contract (One year)
तिथि से जारी दस्तावेज
तिथि पर जारी दस्तावेज
जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि
निविदा खोलने की तिथि
पूर्व बोली तिथि
निविदा का विस्तार
i. The tender is for running Canteen at Marine Building along with Cafeteria at Administration Building of Cochin Port Authority, for one year.
ii. The Canteen building with existing facilities/equipment will be handed over by CoPA in as is where is the condition to the contractor. All additional facilities required for operating canteen will be procured and installed by the contractor at his own cost. Such additional equipment added by the contractor shall be taken back by the contractor on expiry of the contract period.
ii. The Canteen building with existing facilities/equipment will be handed over by CoPA in as is where is the condition to the contractor. All additional facilities required for operating canteen will be procured and installed by the contractor at his own cost. Such additional equipment added by the contractor shall be taken back by the contractor on expiry of the contract period.
पूर्व योग्यता मानदण्ड
The Tenderers should have;
i. (a). three years experience (during 2015-22 period) in running canteens in reputed organizations in Kerala having at least 100 employees or hospitals in Kerala having at least 100 beds. Copy of work order and experience certificate towards successful running of canteen as per the above condition from the organization concerned should be submitted along with tender document.
ii. valid FSSAI, GST, PAN, ESIC and EPFO registrations. (Copy of relevant certificates should be submitted along with tender document).